
Saturday, August 7, 2010

How to Jailbreak Your iPod Touch 2G for all OS 4 Features

A lot of second generation iPod Touch owners became very upset when they learned that they would be missing out on a lot of the best features of the OS 4 update that would be coming out in mid-June. Their devices wouldn't be able to have home screen wallpaper backgrounds or the most anticipated feature: multitasking! Luckily, you can jailbreak your iPod Touch the latest jailbreaking software, redsn0w 0.9.2 and get all the features you are missing out on. I am going to teach you the steps of the jailbreaking process and some cool things you can do with it once it's finished.

Step One: Download Redsn0w
This is the software you will be using to jailbreak your iPod; there are others, but this one is the simplest and easiest. To download it go to: and scroll all the way to the bottom where it says Download Links. Click on the Windows version if you are on a PC and Mac if you are on a Mac. When the window comes up, press save and save it to a place you will remember in your computer.

Step Two: Run Redsn0w
Go to the place in your computer you saved redsn0w and double click it to run it. A window will come up and you should press the Browse to find a certain file in your computer. If you are on Windows like I was, go to (C:) - Users - (Name of the user of the computer) - App Data - Roaming - Apple Computer - iTunes - iPod Software Updates and it should be the first one there. Double click that, and you will go to the next step.
Step Three: Follow the Directions

After that, it will process the firmware and another window will pop up that will ask if your iPod is an MC model. Click no, because if it was, you would already be able to have the features without having to jailbreak. Click Next and continue after it loads real quick. The next page has check boxes on it and you should have the Install Cydia, Enable Wallpapers, Enable Multitasking, and Enable Battery Pecentage checked only. Press the Next button to continue. Make sure your device is plugged in and TOTALLY off. That means hold the on/off button until you slide the red thing at the top to shut it down. The next directions pop up fast so be ready with one finger near the home button, and one near the on/off button. Click next and immediately start to follow the directions. After the last timer ends, set your iPod Touch down and wait until it says it is done. When it is done, you are finished! You can now do multitasking and have homescreen wallpapers!

You can also do cool things like this:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

iPhone Problems? Rumor -OR- True?

There is a new rumor out and about the nation and it's about Apple's new iPhone 4G. Buyers of this new fine product have found out that whenever you hold the iPhone in your palm, the bars for your mobile signal seem to drop dramatically in just a short amount of time, and when you set it down...they start to go up again. However, the question people are beginning to know the answer to is, is it a rumor or is it true? You will find out on this new blog from GadgetTech!

Because of the many new features that the iPhone 4G has brought to the world, many people think it's the perfect phone...well, all great products have glitches. The antenna made out of exposed metal is completely wrapped around the phone to get your mobile signal. That may be a huge problem for these buyers.
Soon, Apple quickly heard about the problem, and thought they can easily make the problem go away by trying to persuade customers into buying a "bumper" case. Basically what this case does is, they don’t cover the front, nor the back, but they do cover the sides of the device and helps the problem of the loss of signal and comes in a verity of different colors: Black, White, Lime Green, Pink, Bright Blue and Orange.

Believe it or not, customers are STILL not happy; because of this one little detail: 'by trying to persuade customers into
$ -buying - $ a "bumper" case.' Lots of people had opinions and how Apple should just include the case in with the new iPhone free of purchase, but then again Apple IS a business...and they're only out for money.

The company, Apple said it cannot make enough bumpers to satisfy demand, **but will keep the offer of the free case open until September**. So, if you are planning on buying this phone - make sure you do it BEFORE September if you want a free case. And if not, the bumpers are, $29.99 but if you think it's worth not CONSTANTLY dropping signals all the time, then go out and buy yourself a bumper after September. It's your choice. Be sure to be more cautious and aware with future purchases as big as the new iPhone 4G. Thank you so much for reading!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Top Ten App Store Apps for iPhone/iPod Touch Part 2

Welcome to the next installment of the Top Ten App Store Apps for iPhone/iPod Touch. In Part 2, we are going to finish off the countdown with the last half of the apps on my list. So let's begin with #4!

#4 Cube Runner - FREE
Cube Runner is a free game app that is very fun and really cool. To play, you fly a small, triangular looking ship by tilting your device left and right through a huge field of cubes. There are three basic difficulties : easy, medium, and hard, and as the difficulty gets higher, the speed is faster, so you don't have as much reaction time. There are also levels built by others that can be downloaded by typing a URL in.

#3 All-in-1-Gamebox - $.99
This is another one of my all time favorites that I just love to play all the time. For a very low 99 cents, you get a whopping 35 individual games that are very fun and entertaining. A few games are not too good, the the rest make up for it because they are spectacular. Dino Cap, iSniper 3D, Ancient War, and Jailbreaker are just a few of my favorite games to play. The All-in-1 Gamebox app is definitley worth $.99!

#2 TextFree Unlimited - FREE

Textfree Unlimited is a great app that lets you text any mobile phone number in the US and Canada while you are on a wi-fi connection. The app even lets you have your own phone number that other people can text you with. I use this app all the time, and you should get it if your texting bills are very expensive or if you just want to text on your iPod Touch, which is pretty cool.

#1 Eliminate Pro - FREE
Now the developers of this app did a very good job with everything in this app. It is an FPS (First Person Shooter) game that is very similar to Halo. You get your own character and play online multiplayer matches against 3 other people around the world. When you kill someone or win the game, you recieve credits. With these credits, you can buy better gear like armor, weapons, and skins. There are tons of diferent armors and weapons, and the developers come out with something new almost every week. It is a very fun game and I recommend it to everyone.

Here are some screenshots of the game: